Creates an instance of NamedKeyAddr.
The base address of the entity.
The 32-byte array representing the name associated with the address.
The base address of the entity to which this key belongs.
The bytes representing the name associated with the address. Expected to be a 32-byte array for validity.
fromConstructs a NamedKeyAddr instance from a byte array representation. The byte array should contain the base address followed by the name bytes.
An IResultWithBytes
object containing the NamedKeyAddr instance and any remaining bytes.
Error if the byte array does not contain at least 32 bytes for the name.
The byte array representing the NamedKeyAddr.
fromCreates a NamedKeyAddr instance from a string representation, parsing the base address and name bytes. The string should follow the expected prefixed format used by the system.
A new NamedKeyAddr instance.
Error if the nameBytes length is not exactly 32 bytes.
The string representation of the NamedKeyAddr.
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents a named key address, which is identified by a base entity address and a unique name. The name is represented in bytes to allow for efficient encoding and decoding.