Creates a new EntityAddr instance.
accountThe account hash, if this is an account entity.
smartThe smart contract hash, if this is a smart contract entity.
systemThe system hash, if this is a system entity.
fromCreates an EntityAddr from a byte array. The first byte indicates the entity type, and the remaining bytes represent the hash.
A new EntityAddr instance.
If the buffer is empty or the format is invalid.
The byte array.
fromJSONCreates an EntityAddr from its JSON representation.
A new EntityAddr instance.
The JSON string representation of the EntityAddr.
fromCreates an EntityAddr from a prefixed string representation.
A new EntityAddr instance.
If the format is invalid.
The prefixed string representation of the EntityAddr.
getConverts a byte to an EntityKind.
The corresponding EntityKind.
If the byte doesn't correspond to a valid EntityKind.
The byte to convert.
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents an entity address in the system. This class supports addresses for three types of entities: system, account, and smart contract. The address type is indicated by either the system, account, or smartContract property being set.