Class StoredValue

Represents a stored value in a decentralized system. The value can be of different types like Account, Contract, Transfer, etc. Each field corresponds to a specific type of stored data in the system.


  • StoredValue



ContractWasm?: ContractWasm

The WebAssembly (WASM) bytecode for the contract, represented as AnyT.

account?: Account

The stored account information.

addressableEntity?: AddressableEntity

The stored addressable entity information, which is a reference to a contract or other addressable entity.

bid?: Bid

The stored bid information, typically related to a staking or auction process.

bidKind?: BidKind

The stored bid kind, representing the type or class of a bid.

byteCode?: SystemByteCode

The stored bytecode, representing compiled contract or executable code.

clValue?: CLValue

The stored CLValue, which is a general-purpose value that can represent various types of data.

contract?: Contract

The stored contract information.

contractPackage?: ContractPackage

The stored contract package information.

deployInfo?: DeployInfo

The information related to a deploy operation.

entryPoint?: EntryPointValue

The stored entry point value, typically representing an entry point in a smart contract.

eraInfo?: EraInfo

The information related to an era.

message?: string

A checksum of the stored message, typically used for validation purposes.

messageTopic?: MessageTopicSummary

The stored message topic summary, containing a summary of the message topic.

namedKey?: NamedKeyValue

The stored named key value, representing a key-value pair within a contract or other entity.

package?: Package

The stored package information, typically a contract or executable package.

prepayment?: PrepaymentKind

Stores location, type and data for a gas pre-payment.

rawBytes?: string

Raw bytes. Similar to a [crate::StoredValue::CLValue] but does not incur overhead of a [crate::CLValue] and [crate::CLType].

transfer?: Transfer

The transfer information, representing a historical transfer.

unbonding?: UnbondingPurse

The stored unbonding purse, representing assets being unbonded.

withdraw?: UnbondingPurse[]

An array of unbonding purses, which represent assets being unbonded.

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