Class ExecutableDeployItem

Represents an executable deploy item, which can be one of several types such as ModuleBytes, StoredContractByHash, etc.


  • ExecutableDeployItem



moduleBytes?: ModuleBytes

A module bytes deploy item.

storedContractByHash?: StoredContractByHash

A stored contract deploy item referenced by hash.

storedContractByName?: StoredContractByName

A stored contract deploy item referenced by name.

storedVersionedContractByHash?: StoredVersionedContractByHash

A stored versioned contract deploy item referenced by hash.

storedVersionedContractByName?: StoredVersionedContractByName

A stored versioned contract deploy item referenced by name.

A transfer deploy item.


  • Retrieves an argument by name from the deploy item.


    The argument value, or undefined if not found.


    • name: string

      The name of the argument.

    Returns undefined | CLValue

  • Checks if the ExecutableDeployItem is of type ModuleBytes.


    true if the ExecutableDeployItem is of type ModuleBytes, false otherwise.

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if the ExecutableDeployItem is of type StoredContractByHash.


    true if the ExecutableDeployItem is a stored contract by hash, false otherwise.

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if the ExecutableDeployItem is of type StoredContractByName.


    true if the ExecutableDeployItem is a stored contract by name, false otherwise.

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if the ExecutableDeployItem is of type StoredVersionedContractByHash.


    true if the ExecutableDeployItem is a stored versioned contract by hash, false otherwise.

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if the ExecutableDeployItem is of type StoredVersionedContractByName.


    true if the ExecutableDeployItem is a stored versioned contract by name, false otherwise.

    Returns boolean

  • Checks if the ExecutableDeployItem is of type Transfer.


    true if the ExecutableDeployItem is a transfer item, false otherwise.

    Returns boolean

  • Creates a new ModuleBytes object from a Uint8Array of module bytes and a set of RuntimeArgs


    A new ExecutableDeployItem created from a new ModuleBytes object built using moduleBytes and args


    • moduleBytes: Uint8Array

      A set of module bytes as a Uint8Array

    • args: Args

      The runtime arguments for the new ModuleBytes object

    Returns ExecutableDeployItem

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