Initializes a new instance of the CLValueMap class.
The CLTypeMap representing the type of the map.
data: CLValueTuple2[]Optional array of CLValueTuple2 representing the map entries.
indexedData: Map<string, CLValue>Optional Map of string keys to CLValues for faster lookups.
dataThe data stored in the map as an array of CLValueTuple2.
indexedAn indexed representation of the map data for faster lookups.
typeThe type of the map.
Finds any value in the map that matches one of the provided keys.
A tuple containing the first found value (or undefined) and a boolean indicating if any key was found.
An array of keys to search for.
Returns the map data as an array of CLValueTuple2.
An array of CLValueTuple2 representing the map entries.
fromCreates a CLValueMap instance from a Uint8Array. Parses the byte array to interpret the size of the map and each key-value pair.
An object containing the new CLValueMap instance and any remaining bytes.
The Uint8Array containing the byte representation of the Map value.
The CLTypeMap representing the type of the map.
Generated using TypeDoc
Represents a Map value in the Casper type system. This class manages key-value pairs, providing efficient access and manipulation.